In this tutorial dedicated to junior developers, I want to demostrate the simplicity of Blazor compared to MVC and WebForms. In this tutorial, we will be based on this code :

Full source code is here : and demo here :

First we must register Google Chart in our page _Host.cshtml.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    

Then we have our base class:

    public class Hierarchy
        public int MemberId { getset; }
        public string Name { getset; }
        public int? ParentId { getset; }

Then our dummy data collection:
public class Hierarchies
        public List<Hierarchy> data
                return new List<Hierarchy> {
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 1, Name= "Nancy Davolio", ParentId = 4 },
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 2, Name= "Andrew Fuller", ParentId = 4 },
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 3, Name= "Janet Leverling", ParentId = 4 },
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 4, Name= "Margaret Peacock", ParentId = null },
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 5, Name= "Steven Buchanan", ParentId = 3 },
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 6, Name= "Michael Suyama", ParentId =  3 },
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 7, Name= "Robert King", ParentId = 2 },
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 8, Name= "Laura Callahan", ParentId = 2 },
                     new Hierarchy {  MemberId= 9, Name= "Anne Dodsworth", ParentId = 2 }


In our base page, we must call a javascript interop to show Google Chart.

@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JsRuntime
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>

Welcome to your new app.

<div id="chart">


    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync()
        var hierarchies = new Data.Hierarchies();
        var data =;
        await JsRuntime.InvokeAsync<Task>("drawChart"data);


And, finaly the javascript code. It's important to notice that we dont' have to serialize any code.

window.drawChart = (data) => {
    google.load("visualization""1", { packages: ["orgchart"] });
    function drawGoogleChart() {        
        var dt = new google.visualization.DataTable();
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            var memberId = data[i].memberId.toString();            
            var memberName = data[i].name;            
            var parentId = data[i].parentId != null ? data[i].parentId.toString() : '';
                v: memberId,
                f: memberName + '<div><img src = "img/' + memberId + '.jpg" /></div>'
            }, parentId, memberName]]);
        var chart = new google.visualization.OrgChart(document.getElementById("chart"));
        chart.draw(dt, { allowHtml: true });

And that's all, folks!!!